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Cat Judges Incorporated


(As amended on 7 March 1999)


1.   NAME

This association shall be known as CAT JUDGES INCORPORATED (ESTABLISHED 1996) (hereinafter referred to as "The Panel").




 2.1. To establish criteria for candidate judges.

 2.2. To train candidate judges.

 2.3. To educate judges in an effort to maintain a high standard of judging skills.

 2.4. To determine weaknesses based on interaction and communication with:

         - Judges (local and international) 
         - Exhibitors
         - Breeders
         - Breed Groups
         - Show Managers
         - Stewards and endeavor to improve same.

 2.5. To uphold at all times the integrity and dignity of its members and the dignity and prestige and honour of judging.

 2.6. To promote a knowledge of cats and breed standards and to assist breeders.

 2.7. To promote and strive for the efficient co-existence with all other Judges Panels.




 3.1. The Panel shall be a voluntary association, with an independent Legal Persona.

 3.2. All property and assets shall vest in the Panel.

 3.3. Any obligations or liabilities incurred by or on behalf of the Panel be for itself and to the exclusion of its members.

 3.4. The power to decide whether or not to enter into litigation shall vest in the management of the Panel.



 4.1. The Panel shall be an autonomous body formally recognized by the Governing Council (clubs), and shall consist of qualified judges            domiciled in the Republic of South Africa and/or any other person co-opted as a member.

 4.2. The Panel may co-opt any person as a member of the Panel.

 4.3. Qualified judges may apply for membership in writing submitting such application to the secretary of the Panel.

 4.4. Each member shall pay an annual membership fee on or before the 28th February of a calendar year. The membership fee will be            decided upon by the Panel from time to time.

 4.5. Upon receipt of an application for membership the Panel will vote, at the next scheduled meeting, whether to accept or not to                  accept such applicant as a member.

 4.6. Voting will take place by a show of hands or by ballots.

 4.7. A simple majority shall decide the result.



5.1. At the first meeting of each year the panel will decide whether judges courses will be run for that year. In the event that such a                   course will be run, the panel will place on the agenda for the following meeting the following items:

        a) courses to be run for the year

        b) how many candidates will be accepted for each course

        c) election of tutors for each course

        d) election of head tutor for all courses

        e) election of head judge for all probationers

        Each course will be run separately from any other course held during a particular year.

5.2. After the outcome of the meeting stated above, an advertisement shall be placed in the SA Gazette inviting persons to apply to                  become students on the courses. Each advert shall state:

       5.2.1. the course

       5.2.2. the number of vacancies in the course

       5.2.3. the criteria to become a student  5.2.4. the closing date of the applications

       5.2.5. the commencement date of the course

5.3. Each tutor shall report to the head tutor on a monthly basis:

       a)the progress and status of the lectures

       b)the progress of the students

5.4. Upon the successful completion of the written examination, the tutor and head tutor of the specific course shall liaise with the                    head judge of all probationers to arrange when the practical examination shall take place.

5.5. Upon the successful completion of the practical exam, the Secretary of the panel shall be informed of the names of the                                probationers and she shall forward these names to the head judge of probationers. The latter person shall be responsible for:

        a) keeping full particulars of each probationers judging books

        b) keeping the judges reports on the progress of the probationers

        c) reporting back to the panel on the progress of the probationers on a meeting to meeting basis

        d) informing the Show Managers Forum of the progress of the probationers

5.6. In the event of the head judge of probationers being of the opinion that any one, or more, probationer has completed his required            number of cats, she shall place such an item on the Agenda for an ordinary meeting of the panel for discussion.

5.7. The discussion of the probationers' progress shall be an item on the Agenda. In the event of the Panel being of the opinion that the          probationer has satisfactorily completed his/her probation, then the provisions of Clause 5.1 shall come into operation.

6.    VOTING


6.1. Only members present at a meeting shall be entitled to vote. No proxy votes shall be allowed, except for members as stipulated in            paragraph 7.2 and 7.3.

6.2. Unless otherwise laid down in the Constitution, matters requiring a vote shall be decided by a simple majority.

6.3. In all cases, should there be an equality of votes, no person shall have a casting vote.

6.4. Voting rights of officers and/or co-opted members, not being qualified judges are regulated by paragraph 9.7 to 9.9.



7.1. The Panel shall hold meetings in order to decide on matters of importance to the Panel.

7.2. Since the membership of the organization may be widely distributed, those members outside the Province of the Central Office will          receive exemption from attending meetings, except for the Annual General Meeting of the Panel.

7.3. Members outside the Province, as stipulated in 7.2 above, will be informed of the business if the Panel by phone or in writing. In the          event of matters requiring a vote these members will cast proxy votes. All proxies shall be received by the Secretary by no

        later than 48 hours prior to the meeting.

7.4. A quorum shall consist of 50% of the membership, calculated in the event of a fraction, to the next highest whole number.

7.5. An Annual General Meeting of the Panel shall be held once a year, no later than 31st May each year.

7.6. Notice of the annual General Meeting shall be given by the Secretary to all members not less than 14 days prior to such meeting.

7.7. The Secretary of the Panel shall forward the agenda of the Annual General Meeting to all members at lest 7 days prior to such                    meeting taking place.



The Central Office shall be in Johannesburg or its suburbs and the address shall be decided upon at each annual General Meeting.



9.1. The day to day management of the Panel shall be conducted by the Officers of the Panel.

9.2. The Officers of the Panel shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

9.3. The term of all Officers shall be for a period of one year, calculated from the date of election. 9.4The Officers of the Panel may be              elected from the existing members or co-opted members and need not be a qualified judge.

9.5. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President.

9.6. The President will act as Chairperson of the Panel.

9.7. In the event of any or all of the Officers and/or co-opted members of the Panel not being qualified judges, such Officer/s or                         member/s shall not have a vote on matters concerning breed standards, the Standard of Points, changes to the Standard of Points            or any matter requiring a qualification of a judge.

9.8. Officers or members not being qualified judges will have voting rights on matters relating to the Panel, all disciplinary matters and            any matter not directly related to and those mentioned in 9.7 above.

9.9. Officers or members not being qualified judges will not attend the Symposium of the SA Council of Cat Judges and will furthermore          not partake in the training or examination of candidate judges.

9.10. Any member of CJI shall not serve as President for more than two consecutive terms.



In the event of a compliant against a member of the Panel the undermentioned procedure shall be adopted:

10.1. All complaints must be submitted in writing to the President of the Panel.

10.2. The compliant must contain full particulars concerning the complainant, the member in violation and the complaint.

10.3. A complaint has to be lodged within 30 days of the complainant becoming aware of the alleged misconduct, violation or cause.

10.4. The Secretary of the Panel will acknowledge receipt of the complaint and inform the member concerned and all other members of            the Panel of the complaint.

10.5. The member concerned has the right to answer in writing to the allegations.

10.6. At a regular meeting of the Panel, the complaint and answer thereto will be discussed and the Panel shall decide upon the merit of           the complaint.

10.7. The Panel will thereafter vote whether or not a formal hearing needs to be held.

10.8. Upon the outcome of the vote referred to in 10.7, the venue, date and time of the hearing will be determined.

10.9. Parties have the right to be represented by an attorney and may call witnesses.

10.10. The complainant and member concerned shall have no vote at the hearing.

10.11. Any member who by some close association has an interest in the outcome of the hearing, shall be dutybound to disqualify                      himself/herself from participation in the voting.

10.12. After hearing of all the evidence the members shall vote, by secret ballots and the President shall inform all parties of the                          outcome thereof. A two-third majority shall determine the result.

10.13. An appeal against the outcome and/or penalty shall be filed with the Ethics Committee, within 30 days of the date of the decision.

10.14. The Rules of the Ethics Committee are applicable in the event of an appeal.



11.1. An initial period of six months, at the end of which another period of six months may be applied for.

11.2. After a second leave of absence some form of refresher course should be undertaken. The extent and duration to be decided by                the Panel.



The Treasurer shall at the Annual General Meeting submit a report showing an exact accounting of all assets, liabilities and monies received and paid out.




This constitution my be amended by an Annual General Meeting of the members provided that the proposed amendments, together with the notice of time and place of the meeting has been mailed to all members. A copy of the proposed amendment shall be included in the agenda. The consent of two-thirds of the members present calculated in the event of a fraction to the next highest whole number will effect a amendment as proposed.




In the event of a decision taken at the AGM or a special meeting being procedurally not in accordance with the constitution, the Panel may ratify that decision, by a simple majority vote.




15.1. A dissolution shall only be effective if passed at a physical meeting of the Panel by a two-third majority of those present and                       eligible to vote.

15.2. Upon dissolution, the Panel shall give or transfer its assets to some other society, association or body having similar objectives.

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