SACC Rules Governing Judges and Judges Panels
1. The Internal Administration of a Judge's Panel shall fall within the jurisdiction of that Panel.
2. All Judges' Panels shall be independent in as far as the decisions relate to matters concerning Judges only and on condition that such decisions are not in violation of any SACC Rule or the Constitution.
3. All Judges' Panels shall form part of the SA Council of Cat Judges.
4. The SA Council of Cat Judges shall nominate one (1) delegate to SACC to represent at GC of SACC meetings in an advisory capacity as stipulated in the SACC Constitution, and to table the individual ballots as set out in the said constitution.
5.1 An annual membership fee is payable by the Panel of which a Judge is a member.
5.2 The annual membership fee per Panel is R10.00, payable on or before the 1st of June of each year.
6. Requirements for Accreditation of Judges' Panels to SACC.
6.1 Payment of annual membership fee by the Judges Panel concerned.
6.2 A list of all member Judges of each Panel to be submitted annually to the Secretary of SACC.
7. Any disciplinary action/hearing against any Judge shall be dealt with in terms of the constitution of SACC
8. Judges' Courses
8.1 Results of all the exams shall be furnished to all candidates and the names of those that have passed published in the SA Gazette.
9. Secretary of SA Council of Cat Judges
9.1 Any proposals from any Judge affecting the Standard of Points, New Breeds or any matter concerning Breeds shall be sent to the Breed Council Secretary for voting by the Breed Groups, by no later than July 31st.
9.2 The Secretary of the SA Council of Cat Judges shall do all duties and acts prescribed in the Constitution and Rules of SACC.
10. Judges Council Fees payable by the Clubs
An amount of R2.00 per registered cat present at a show to be paid by each club to SA Council of Cat Judges.
11. SACC Standard operating procedure: Inviting an overseas Judge to officiate at SACC shows.
Should a club wish to invite a judge qualified through and/or affiliated with an organisation other than SACC, permission has to be obtained before the show. If permission is not granted before the show, the awards made by such judge will not be recognised by SACC.
1. Application and decision procedure
1.1 Should a club wish to invite a judge affiliated with another organisation, and who has not officiated at a SACC championship show before, such club must obtain from the prospective judge a Curriculum Vitae detailing the person's involvement in the cat fancy, and specifically judging qualifications (cat breeds, year and organisation qualified with) as well as confirmation of this from the organization to which the judge is affiliated.
The applicant club shall forward such CV, together with a formal request for permission to use the judge to:
- the Secretary of Judges Council, for a decision by the Office of Judges Council, and
- the Secretary of the GC of SACC, who shall keep it on record and inform all member clubs of the request
The Secretary of Judges Council shall forward the decision within 30 days from receiving the request, to:
- the applicant member club, and
- the Secretary of SACC, who shall keep it on record and inform all member clubs of the decision.
1.2 Should a club wish to invite a judge affiliated with another organisation, and who has officiated at a SACC championship show in the past, such club does not need to obtain and submit a CV of the judge again. The club does however, have to forward its request to the Secretary of Governing Council and the Secretary of Judges Council, as above. The same procedure as in 1.1 above is to be followed in this case, with the difference that the Office of Judges Council may:
- merely confirm a past decision that the judge may officiate or
- repeal the previous decision to this effect
NOTE: If the judge concerned has, since his/her last judging assignment within SACC, attained qualifications in further breeds, the applicant club shall obtain the judge updated CV and submit same as in the procedure described under 1.1 above
2. Appeal Procedure
An appeal against a decision by JudgesΓÇÖ Council may be lodged by:
- the applicant club
- any other SACC affiliated club
- any SACC affiliated judges panel
- any SACC affiliated breeders group
The following procedure shall be followed:
- A letter stating the appeal and the reasons therefor, be forwarded to the Secretary of Governing Council. This letter shall be accompanied by all information originally submitted to Judges Council (eg CV).
- The GC Secretary shall circulate this correspondence to:
- the members of Governing Council, who shall appoint, within 21 days, a judges panel to re-consider the request, and
- Judges Council, for their information
- The judges panel appointed by Governing Council shall forward its decision, within 30 days, to the Secretary of Governing Council, who shall:
- inform the appellant of the decision; and
- circulate it to the members of Governing Council for their information, and
- forward it to Judges Council for their information
- The decision of the appointed judges panel shall be final