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Constitution of The Cape Panel of Judges

  1. NAME

This body shall be known as "THE CAPE PANEL OF CAT JUDGES", hereinafter referred to as "the Panel".



  1. To provide Judges, to judge at shows held under the Rules of the Southern Africa Cat Council (SACC). 

  2. To uphold at all times the integrity and dignity of its members and the prestige and honour of judging. 

  3. To widen the knowledge and proficiency of its members. 

  4. To uphold the standards for all breeds of cats, as laid down in the Standard of Points and ratified by the Governing Council of SACC. 

  5. To select, train and examine suitable candidates in accordance with the procedure laid down by the SA Council of Cat Judges. 

  6. To carry out the affairs of the Panel as a non-profit making concern. All excess of revenue over expenditure to be utilised to further the aims of the Panel.




It shall be competent for the Panel to associate itself with or affiliate to other bodies having similar objectives, in order to co-ordinate and promote the activities of this and other Panels.




  1. The Panel shall be an autonomous body formally recognised by the SA Council of Cat Judges and the Governing Council of SACC, and shall consist of accredited Judges resident in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. 

  2. Members of this Panel may not simultaneously be members of another Panel in South Africa. 

  3. It shall also consist of all persons who are invited to become members and who accept membership in writing. 

  4. Duly qualified persons may apply to join the Panel and to receive accreditation. A simple majority vote at a meeting shall suffice to approve such an application.

  5. Members are required to up-date their knowledge and judging standards constantly. 

  6. At the first meeting in any calendar year, the Panel shall appoint from amongst its members an Honorary Chairman, an Honorary Liaison/Secretary and an Honorary Treasurer, who shall hold office for that year. They shall be eligible for re-election in any succeeding year. 

  7. Each member shall pay an annual subscription by the first meeting in any calendar year. This amount may be altered from time to time by a 2/3 majority vote of members. 

  8. The membership of any member of the Panel may be terminated in the following circumstances: 

    1. Written notice of voluntary resignation. 

    2. At the request of the Panel for failure or inability to uphold the objectives of the Panel. In such cases a 2/3 majority vote is necessary. 

  9. Any member failing to attend two consecutive meetings shall be deemed to have ceased membership of the Panel, unless adequate reasons are offered and accepted. 




A leave of absence, which must be applied for in writing, may be granted to a member of the Panel for reasons in one of the following two categories:


  1. In order to take time off for travel, business, health, or other similar reasons. The maximum duration of absence will be restricted to one year. Judges in this category of absence may not accept Local or Provincial Judging assignments. Judges on travel and business-related absence may accept judging assignments in their temporary place of residence. Members may apply for an extension beyond one year due to extraordinary circumstances approved by the Panel, which upon return will result in a duration of probation or a refresher course, as decided by the Panel.

  2. Existing panel members who emigrate and are transitioning to another group, governing body, or panel (as the case may be). When said judge has joined another Judging organisation, membership of the Cape Panel will automatically cease. Judges in this category also need to provide evidence on a regular basis to the effect that they are making progress in transitioning, by establishing contacts with Judging organisations in their new place of abode, as well as taking other steps, such as accepting Judging assignments. Failure to provide satisfactory proof of transition arrangements will result in rescinding the leave of absence by a 2/3 majority vote of the Panel. The duration of leave of absence is one year and may be extended due to extraordinary circumstances by a 2/3 majority vote of the panel.


Judges on a leave of absence may not exercise voting rights but may attend the AGM and Symposium of Council.




From time to time, the Panel may award certain members “Emeritus Judge” status.The award can be made at any regular meeting, with the consent of 2/3 of the members present.




  1. The Panel shall hold at least four meetings annually.

  2. The Panel may from time to time decide to hold Virtual Meetings

  3. A quorum shall consist of 50% of the members, calculated in the event of a fraction to the next highest number.




  1. Where clauses require a 2/3 majority vote, all members must be invited to vote either in writing or by presence at a meeting. All other matters shall be decided by a simple majority vote of members present at a meeting. 

  2. In all cases, should there be an equality of votes, the Chairman shall exercise a second or casting vote. 

  3. Any amendment or addition to this Constitution can be passed by a 2/3 majority vote of the members.



    1. The Chairman shall act as Disciplinary Officer with the assistance of any two Panel members appointed as required. In the event of a complaint of a serious nature against a member of the Panel, or at the request of the Disciplinary Officers, the following procedure should be adopted: 

    2. No complaint shall be considered unless made in writing and signed by the complainant. 

    3. The member concerned shall be informed immediately of the nature of the complaint by the Disciplinary Officer. 

    4. A hearing shall then be arranged between the member, the complainant and the Disciplinary Officers. 

    5. If deemed necessary by the Disciplinary Officers, the outcome of this hearing may be disclosed to the Panel. 

    6. The Panel's decision in this matter shall be a 2/3 majority vote by ballot and shall be final and binding. 



In the event of a dissolution of the Panel, all debts shall be settled and any balance of assets be disposed of according to a vote of 2/3 of the Panel at a General Meeting.


*October 1986, amended February 2002, January 2020, May 2021

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