Dear SACC Members,
Following a special SACC Governing Council (GC) meeting last night, it was agreed to postpone the following shows, to dates undefined at this time:
TCS – 28 & 29 March 2020
ABCC – 18 April 2020
The SAASA show, under the auspices of WPCC, has already been postponed for this coming weekend, 21 March 2020.
By now, you all will have seen and/or received numerous notifications from various organisations (both within the cat fancy and other non-cat related organisations), postponing or cancelling events over the coming weeks.
GC, together with our sponsors, will continue to monitor the situation and we will convene another GC meeting in two weeks’ time (or earlier should it be necessary), and reassess the position going forward.
As soon as we become aware of further developments within SACC, we will advise you.
Kind regards,
Shirley Addison
Southern Africa Cat Council