This wonderful long weekend, generously sponsored by Royal Canin, brought together the major cat organisations from around the world and was filled with cat information, brilliant speakers, interesting people and judges from near and far. On Thursay the 25th the visitors went on a wine tour and spend the afternoon in the company of a live male cheetah!
Friday's Seminar was incredibly informative- the amazing Prof Leslie Lyons from the USA presented the latest info on Genetic testing and mutation discovery, she also "filled in" for the UK's Dr Emi Barker who was unable to attend. This presentation was about the latest developments in Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Royal Canin's New Developments were introduced by Mme Laureline Malineau from France which was followed on and expanded upon by Dr Michelle Harman. Kathy Calhoun from the USA presented The Lykoi Breed Profile and Anthony Aldum, a Cape Town breeder, brought some good examples of the breed for the spectators to examine. Local presenters Barbara George and Pet Wellness Worx', Kristine Mylo gave further insight into the Ttouch complimentary treatment for cats and rehabilitive care for cats respectively. The Seminar was concluded with WCC Management and Delegates answering audience questions.

On Saturday 27th August 10 of the WCC Delegates/Advisors officiated at SACC's 2019 COTY. On Sunday the visitors were treated to a Cape Town Tour and a traditional Cape Malay lunch. The WCC held its formal AGM and Business Meeting on the Monday and then, sadly, it was time for everyone to return home.
